
Are you ready to... WACKEN?!

Hello everyone :3

There will only be a few sentences right now in English, just to introduce what this pos is about. Soon I'll travel to Wacken, a small village near Hamburg where the worlds biggest Metal Festival will take place >:D.
Well... maybe you didn't expect me for listening to music like this, but there are a lot of bands and musicians i want to see. I can't wait so see Subway to Sally, Blind Guardian, Apocalyptica, Ozzy Osbourne and and and.
I'm soo excited about it.
That's it, now in the following there are pictures about my preparation for Wacken and my shopping results for ist xD
Here weg go... 

First there are some clothes above. To enlarge them click on them.
The boots were on sale at New Yorker from 30 € to 14,95 €.
The lacey shirt is from Ann Christin and cost something about 7 €.

The shirt on the left site is from Ann Christin too and cost something about 9 €... I love it a lot, because its off schhoulder on one side.
The rigth one is a simple Tank Top i bought at Madonna for 5 €.

Now I'll show you the cosmetics I bought for Wacken

This is my beloved black lipstick. I searched for a good one for 2 years. Finally I got this one from Rimmel London. 
I tried to mix it with my red lipstick and the outcome was a nice dark red colour. I love it.

 Bebe's - Good Bye Make up with an extra package of Make-Up Remover wipes.

 I bought an extra package of Make-Up Remover from Nivea, because you can use them for any purpose, even if you just want to refresh your skin.

Hygienic Wipes and Hygienic Hand-Gel. You'll never know how many bacteries are there, so I just want to prepare myself. :DD

Very small bottles of Shampoo, Conditioner and Shower-Gel. They are very funcitonal, you can put them even in a very small bag, so they are great for little Trips.

the fact that I can't focus on my skin care I also bought this little bottle of Cleansing Water.

Quick dry Nail Polish in black from Manhatten was very improtant too, because mine is already old and seared.

Last but not least a long lasting eyeliner pen. It's gorgeous. I really love it. And it was really cheap.

If you have any questions about the prices then ask me in a comment.
Thanks for reading. :3


Unsinn / Nonsense

Hey everyone.
I'm a huge Scott Pilgrim fan an a frined of mine posted a funny link.
A link where you can create your own Scott Pilgrim avatar.
It's very funny to try out the clothes.

Here is mine...

If you want to have a bestter look at it you cklick on it, so it will enlarge.

Here is the link for the website :DD

Have fun with ist :D